President Joe Biden till now has spoken with almost a dozen world leaders , from Emmanuel Macron to Vladimir Putin, Russia’s strongman . But America’s chief geopolitical rival ? Not a word .
America has a long list of atrocities to air , from Beijing’s underhanded trade practices to its crushing of democracy in Hong Kong .
However the Biden administration have been taking their own time in touching base with U.S- allied nations all while assessing the policies that have been left behind by former President Donald Trump . Exactly five days after President Biden was sworn into office , White House secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden aides was “starting from an approach of patience as it relates to our relationship with China.”
What worries some of the former official is that president Biden is simply getting organized while Xi Jinping , the iron-fisted head of china, is capturing the moment by striking a massive investment deal with the European Union , which hopes to cement ties with the 27country bloc . The longer President Biden takes to make decision regarding china , the more possibilities he hands to china so as to dictate the course of the path moving forward , not to mention the opportunities he provides for his Republican critics to exploit .
“It’s a strategy to keep us divided,” former Trump trade adviser Clete Willems said. “There is no question [Chinese leaders] see the U.S. shifting, at least rhetorically, to a more multilateral posture, and they want to make that difficult for us.” However Biden’s administrators believe there is a method to his madness . “They are determined to put into place the elements of a smart China strategy,” said Daniel Russel, the former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs in the Obama administration who is in touch with Biden aides . “It takes time, but I think they are committed to trying to get it right. They’re not oblivious to the time pressures
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